Title company in Jupiter, Boynton Beach, Delray Beach, Stuart, Florida

A reputable title company will ensure you have valid title and appropriate title insurance

Chances are you probably don’t know much or anything about title insurance, but if you plan on buying real estate, you should be. A title company must ensure that the title of the property is legitimate. However, you should still have title insurance to protect you should someone lay claim against your property title.

Eannarino Law acts as a title company and can issue related insurance Boca Raton, Boynton Beach, Delray Beach, Jupiter FL, Palm Beach and West Palm Beach. A title company must verify that the title of the property is legit. That means the seller owns the property and is free to sell it. It further means that you as buyer will legally own the property once the transaction is completed.

To ensure a title is valid, a title company will do a title search and examine all the relevant property records to verify that the person claiming to own the property in question, in fact does. You need to be sure your title searches and related insurance is done and issued by a reputable title company.

Often a title search will uncover some defect or problem with a title. This must be corrected before the deal is finalized and the real estate transaction closes. Title insurance will pay for your defense should anyone challenge your title. If you should lose your title, the insurance will cover your title loss.

There are many risks when buying property. Title fraud and defects is one of them. Your title insurance will cover you against possibilities such as fraud, forgery, undisclosed heirs, spousal claims and more. You can also get insurance to cover you against unknown or undisclosed building code violations.

When you need title protection, you need to deal with a reputable and recommended title company.