by Jeffrey Eannarino | Aug 16, 2024 | Florida Estate Planning, Florida Real Estate Contracts
When a loved one passes away, it’s a heavy burden to navigate the estate settlement process. Among the numerous tasks is dispersing assets, settling debts, and fulfilling the decedent’s wishes outlined in their will. Whether you are an executor,...
by Jeffrey Eannarino | Feb 10, 2023 | Florida Deeds
One of the most important aspects of owning property is having the correct deed. A properly executed and recorded deed is vital to proving ownership of real property and protecting one’s investment. Without the correct deed, you may encounter serious problems in...
by Jeffrey Eannarino | Feb 3, 2023 | Florida Deeds, Florida Estate Planning, Title and Closing
Many legal processes are involved in settling a decedent’s estate in Florida. The type of legal action that must be taken depends on the facts and circumstances present in each case. As such, there is no hard and fast rule regarding the settlement of a...
by Jeffrey Eannarino | Jan 31, 2023 | Florida Deeds, Florida Estate Planning, Florida For Sale By Owner, Florida Real Estate Contracts, Florida Realtor Corner, Selling Property in Florida, Title and Closing
The death of a spouse can be one of the most challenging experiences a person can go through. Along with the emotional pain, there are often many practical concerns that must be addressed, such as what happens to the property after a spouse dies. Florida law provides...
by Jeffrey Eannarino | Jan 29, 2023 | Florida Deeds, Florida For Sale By Owner, Florida Realtor Corner, Florida Title Insurance
There are different types of deeds in Florida, each with its specific purpose and set of legal consequences once registered. Regardless of the kind of deed involved, it is imperative that the one you have must be accurate and free from errors. However, there are some...
by Jeffrey Eannarino | Jan 4, 2023 | Florida Deeds
No one wants to think about what will happen to their assets when they die. Most adults find it awkward to discuss how their property in Florida will be distributed when they pass away. As such, surviving family members can be left trying to sort out how to divide...
by Jeffrey Eannarino | Sep 28, 2020 | Florida Real Estate Litigation, Florida Realtor Corner, Loan Modification, Selling Property in Florida, Short Sale
Although walking away from your mortgage may be difficult to imagine, foreclosure may be your only option if you’re in a dire financial situation and your home’s equity is underwater, in other words, you owe much more than your property is worth. Sometimes a...
by Jeffrey Eannarino | Sep 28, 2020 | Florida Real Estate Contracts, Florida Real Estate Litigation, Florida Realtor Corner
If you own investment property, you may at some point face the situation of having to evict a tenant. While it can be irritating dealing with unruly tenants or renters who do not pay, the eviction notice that you present to your tenants must meet certain requirements...
by Jeffrey Eannarino | Sep 28, 2020 | Florida Property Damage Claims, Florida Real Estate Litigation, Florida Realtor Corner
After years of paying in premium dollars, you may have filed a claim following a natural disaster such as a tornado or a hurricane – only to discover that your homeowner’s insurance company has decided to pay out very little, or worse yet, making it difficult for you...
by Jeffrey Eannarino | Sep 28, 2020 | Florida Real Estate Contracts, Florida Real Estate Litigation, Florida Realtor Corner, New Homes
A contract is at the base of nearly all construction projects. It serves as protection that the project will be completed, as well as the assurance that payment will be made for the service that is provided. Unfortunately, there are times when a project may not be...