by Jeffrey Eannarino | Aug 16, 2024 | Florida Estate Planning, Florida Real Estate Contracts
When a loved one passes away, it’s a heavy burden to navigate the estate settlement process. Among the numerous tasks is dispersing assets, settling debts, and fulfilling the decedent’s wishes outlined in their will. Whether you are an executor,...
by Jeffrey Eannarino | Feb 3, 2023 | Florida Deeds, Florida Estate Planning, Title and Closing
Many legal processes are involved in settling a decedent’s estate in Florida. The type of legal action that must be taken depends on the facts and circumstances present in each case. As such, there is no hard and fast rule regarding the settlement of a...
by Jeffrey Eannarino | Jan 31, 2023 | Florida Deeds, Florida Estate Planning, Florida For Sale By Owner, Florida Real Estate Contracts, Florida Realtor Corner, Selling Property in Florida, Title and Closing
The death of a spouse can be one of the most challenging experiences a person can go through. Along with the emotional pain, there are often many practical concerns that must be addressed, such as what happens to the property after a spouse dies. Florida law provides...